Upgrade MediaWiki to version 1.25

This is an guide to install Mediawiki 1.25. Many stuff has changed and this is more a todo list for me to remember what has to be changed. This is especially important for extensions as the complete registration system has changed.


We do need to have the following installed (resolved stuff will be removed)

  • PHP 5.3

General changes to LocalSettings.php

Replace all require_once to wfLoadExtension (?!? - evaluate!) Replace all require_once to wfLoadSkin fot the vector skins after switching branch AddHTMLMetaAndTitle, fix LocalSetting.php

remove $wgDisableCounters as it was removed.



Remove require_once “$IP2/extensions/Cite/specialCite.php”; from our LocalSettings.php

Remove the extension folder at /var/www/sites/wiki.documentfoundation.org/extensions/Cite.

Extension: OpenSearchXml

This extension is integrated in Mediawiki 1.25 :-) Please deinstall it after upgrading. also remove the folder + the require_once in the LocalSettings.php