.. _gerritbot_service: Gerritbot ========= Installation ------------ To install gerritbot: * install prerequisites:: sudo apt-get install python getmail4 procmail * create a user gerritbot and log in as it:: sudo useradd -m gerritbot -s /bin/false sudo bash sudo gerritbot * get the source:: git clone http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/contrib/dev-tools * link the files in the user root:: export HOME=/home/gerritbot mkdir ~/.ssh ln -s ~/dev-tools/gerritbot/.ssh/config -t .ssh mkdir ~/.getmail ln -s ~/dev-tools/gerritbot/getmailrc -t .getmail ln -s ~/dev-tools/gerritbot/.procmailrc ln -s ~/dev-tools/gerritbot/.muttrc #optional * add the private key for gerrit access to :file:`~/.ssh/id_rsa`: - if the key was lost, a new one needs to be uploaded to gerrit - the OpenID for it is: ``https://launchpad.net/~r-gerrit-0`` - the OpenID is bound to ``gerrit@libreoffice.org`` * set the password for ``gerrit@libreoffice.org`` in :file:`.getmail/getmailrc` * install the crontab:: crontab ~/dev-tools/gerritbot/crontab.txt * done Start & Enable -------------- :: crontab ~/dev-tools/gerritbot/crontab.txt Stop & Disable -------------- :: sudo gerritbot crontab -r Responsible ----------- Bjoern Michaelsen